Giving Cash Gifts
One of the easiest and most common ways for you to support New Hope Coalition is with a gift of cash. Cash can be used to support our work.Other than simply giving a check or cash one can use PopMoney to send a gift directly to New Hope Coalition's bank account. It is hosted by one of the largest financial institutions (Wells Fargo) and will be extreemely safe for you to use. Gifts over $20 are easy to send by this method. You simply register, just like you would any bill that you pay online. All you need is Pastor Odman's email address: and your gift will be sent to our bank account directly. We have already registered and will rejoice in your partnership with us!
Other ways of giving cash gifts to support our mission is through:
An Outright Gift - By making a cash gift by check or money order today, you enable us to meet our most urgent needs and carry out our mission on a daily basis. You will have the opportunity to see your generosity in action and will also receive an immediate federal income tax charitable deduction, when you itemize.
Memorial and Tribute Gifts - If you have a friend or family member who wishes to help promote the mission and vision of New Hope Coalition, consider making a gift to us in his or her name.
An Endowed Gift - Create an endowment or contribute to one that is already established to ensure that your support of New Hope Coalition will last forever. Endowments typically only withdraw 4-5% per year of their total account value to help support the cause for with it was established.
Please call us and ask for our Executive Director, Darryl Brown, to help you determine the best way to partner with New Hope Coalition.