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Rev. Wadestrant Jean Baptist

Member at Large

Dallas Theological Seminary, Th. M


"As the President of a seminary in Haiti I know the importance of leadership development. Although over 35% of Haiti's population are considered to be Evangelical Christians the practical expression of faith is often lacking. Jesus' own brother, James, said that not overlooking the plight of fatherless children and the distress of widows is the right practical approach to living our faith. Our churches and our pastors need to learn how to look outside of their own immediate needs and consider how thier lives can impact others. Pastor Odman Charles is a leader who lives these basic principles. Haiti needs more "practical ministers" who are willing to serve others instead of being served. New


Hope Coalition has a vision of reaching this current generation of Haitian believers with a challenge to live out the claims of Christ on their lives. He has called us to BE... be holy. He has commissioned us to GO... into all the world. Will there be Haitian missionaries in Heaven? He asks us to GIVE sacrificially... all that we are and are yet to become. Let's GROW together!"

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

STEP Seminary

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